In preparation for New Years Eve, we need to get our skin looking it’s best. Nisha and I love to detox our faces with Origins’ Clear Improvements Charcoal Mask. It’s an “active” charcoal mask (what does that even mean??) that pulls all of the toxins out of your skin. All jokes aside, it seriously WORKS!
We recommend, from experience, that you make it a weekly task. Grab a glass of wine, clean your face with a warm towel, rub the charcoal mask all over your face, take a selfie and send to your best friend and WAIT. Enjoy that time while you’re waiting – crack open a book, scroll Insta, read your favorite blog (this one, obviously!) and when the mask is completely dry it’s time to wash it off. It’s easiest to use the mask before you take a shower – so jump in the shower (with your wine) and wash your clean, gorgeous face! You can find this magic potion anywhere Origins is sold – I buy it at Macys or Sephora.
We ALSO recommend serious hydration for the rest of your body year round. Who wants leg dandruff? OGX (Organix) makes this great Coconut Oil Mist, Organix Cocnut Oil Nourishing Weightless Hydrating Oil Mist, that you drench yourself in once you get out of the shower and this stuff works like a DREAM! Plus, you smell like an angel all.day.long. I found it at Ulta and HIGHLY recommend that you indulge yourself!